Preparation is critical to creating a tile or stone shower floor that drains properly. An improperly sloped floor may lead to standing water that can promote the growth of mold and bacteria. It can also cause the floor to fail.
Using EZ ShowerBase as the foundation for your installation will insure that you create a waterproof mold resistant shower.
• No more mixing and carrying hundreds of pounds of mortar
• No more crawling on hands and knees trying to get the perfect slope
• No more fighting a liner to insure proper drainage
• Less time spent waiting for mud pan to cure
EZ ShowerBase Is The Better Way!
Trimming Your EZ ShowerBase
After you receive your EZ ShowerBase, insert the measuring tool into your existing set shower drain and take all 4 measurements.
Insert the measuring tool into your EZ ShowerBase and mark all 4 measurements.
In this example, you would need to make the following cuts to achieve your dimensions.
Left Side = 5”, Right Side = 1”, Bottom = 4”.
These measurements are for the shower floor only and DO NOT include any 4” EZ Curb.

EZ Measuring Tool
Every EZ ShowerBase purchase comes with an EZ Measuring Tool to make your installation easier and more accurate.

EZ Measuring Tool Directions
This tool has 4 precise STEPS that assist in measuring to establish the exact center of the drain in the shower area.
STEP 1: Fits the inside diameter of the 2” drain pipe. This is used to measure from pipe to walls and to use in step 4.
STEP 2: Fits the drain base that is mounted to the sub-floor. This is used to measure from the drain center to the walls.
STEP 3: Fits the drain hole in the EZ ShowerBase from the top side of the base. This is used to transfer the measurements obtained in steps 1 or 2 to the EZ ShowerBase for edge trimmed by using the center point located on the measuring tool.
STEP 4: Fits the cut out diameter required in the subfloor to allow the drain base to be set properly. The tool fits into the 2” drain pipe in STEP 1 and a pencil is used to trace the circle for cutting.
This tool can be used to define the center point of the shower. If the center point is in a favorable location, the outside diameter of the measuring tool can be used to mark the rough opening needed for the drain.